At Smartmile

we have a vision: To help partners build locker-based delivery ecosystems with the most powerful software worldwide!

We started out building a network of parcel machines and wanted to connect any courier in the area. By connecting all, couriers could serve entire neighbourhoods in single stops, and customers travel to just one location to handle their parcels. As we operated lockers, we wondered, what if our software could connect more? Link one company to bike parcels from the machine to customers. A local fashion label using the machine to hand products to customers without packaging—One software package for lockers to connect any last-mile service or machine type.

So, we switched focus to expanding our software capability, offering couriers and retailers the ultimate software for flexible locker networks. We are a technology company specializing in shared locker solutions. With a focus on software and operational expertise, we offer software licensing and expert operational services to couriers and retailers worldwide.

Our software has the flexibility to integrate any couriers, retailers, e-commerce platforms, hardware manufacturers, and impact systems. Currently, we license software and services to market leaders in the Netherlands and Finland. With over 18 courier/retail integrations, 12 hardware manufacturers and 14 models integrated with ~5 Million products exchanged globally, we are a leading software in the market.

Our solution changes the software foundation of locker delivery and opens doors to a sustainable world.

Our team members are entrepreneurs, engineers, creative minds, and startup enthusiasts ready to take up the industry's software game. Are you ready to join our herd of unicorns? Check out our openings, and let’s find a fit.

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  • Be part of a passionate and supportive international team

  • Enjoy the flexible working hours and remote work possibilities

  • Join the annual Smartmile Campus in various locations around the globe

  • Bring your dog or hamster to the office and enjoy our office furballs

  • Take ownership of your work, develop your skills and take your career to the next level

  • Laila

    Project Support Manager

    “ Working at Smartmile, I have found out the true meaning of the word 'team'. The sky really is the limit for us, and I feel proud that I get to be a part of that and come to work everyday to this company. ”

  • Aate

    Head of Network Operations

    “ I started my studies while working at Smartmile. Deciding the working hours was flexible & easy and it has continued to be so. Whenever assignments are overloading my week, I can adjust working hours. My studies are really being supported here. ”

  • Fabian

    Head of Research & Development

    “ I've worked for Smartmile for four years now and I really love it. Been to many exciting places and enjoy the trust, responsibilities and freedom I have here. ”

Our herd

Meet our team at our locations in Germany, Finland, Kenya, and the Netherlands

  • Aku Happo (FI)

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Steffen Luippold (DE)

    Co-Founder / CTO

  • Fabian (DE)

    Team Leader Software Development

  • Gela (DE)

    Business Developer

  • Michelle (NL)

    Head of Marketing and Brand

  • Mark (KEN)

    Software Developer

  • Vincent (KEN)

    Software Engineer

  • Rhoda (KEN)

    Software Developer

  • Morris (KEN)

    Software Developer / Cybersecurity Expert

  • Anas (FI)

    Head of Projects

  • Aate (FI)

    Head of Network Operations

  • Enis (DE)

    Apprentice Software Developer

  • Greice (DE)

    Apprentice Software Developer

  • Anna (FI)

    Operations Support and Customer Service Specialist

  • Maarten (NL)

    NL Operations Manager

  • Martha (KEN)

    System Administrator

  • Arnold (KEN)

    Jr. System Administrator

  • Joseph (KEN)

    Frontend Engineer

  • Lydia (NL)

    Global Marketing Creative